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Earlier this week we asked you to share your techniques for managing and organizing your passwords. Now we’re back to highlight the tools, tricks, and tips you use to wrangle your passwords and internet security.

本周早些时候,我们要求您分享管理和组织密码的技术。 现在,我们将重点介绍用于破坏密码和互联网安全性的工具,技巧和提示。

Photo by .


The response to our Ask the Readers on Wednesday was prolific; you guys logged hundreds of responses. The responses covered your favorite software, tricks you used to generate passwords without software, and more. Let’s start off by looking at the popular apps you used to manage your key rings.

周三对我们的《问读者》的回复多产; 你们记录了数百个回复。 回答包括您最喜欢的软件,不使用软件来生成密码的技巧,以及更多。 让我们从查看用于管理钥匙圈的流行应用程序开始。

LastPass,KeePass和所有大小的通行证 (LastPass, KeePass, and Passes of All Sizes)


The majority of you are using a password manager of some sort to manage and organize your passwords. Using an application is a great way to keep track of your passwords as it essentially removes your brain from the entire equation and allows you to assign randomly generated passwords to every single login you use. Rare is the human who could remember 200 logins that were all as random as “&xv$v1oGkuXjs*OBfS79”. The following applications are ordered by the number of times they appeared in your comments.

你们中的大多数人都在使用某种密码管理器来管理和组织密码。 使用应用程序是跟踪密码的好方法,因为它实质上使您的大脑从整个方程式中解脱出来,并允许您为您使用的每个登录名分配随机生成的密码。 很少有人可以记住200个与“&xv $ v1oGkuXjs * OBfS79”一样随机的登录信息。 以下应用程序按它们在您的注释中出现的次数排序。

LastPass: is a web-based solution that readers, as a whole, absolutely love. It makes good password management incredibly easy. Quite a few of you commented on how you had resisted trying LastPass until you finally gave it a whirl and loved it (this mirrors my own experience of holding out on LastPass only to find out that it was completely awesome when I finally started using it). Gouthaman highlights one of the best things about LastPass:

LastPass : 是一个基于Web的解决方案,总体上读者绝对喜欢。 良好的密码管理非常简单。 你们中的很多人评论了您如何拒绝尝试LastPass,直到您终于对其进行旋转并喜欢它(这反映了我自己坚持使用LastPass的经历,但当我最终开始使用它时才发现它真的很棒) 。 古特曼(Gouthaman)着重介绍LastPass的优点之一:

All my passwords are offered automatically by LastPass when creating an account and they pop-up whenever I need to login. This means that I use a different password for every single web service and yeah, I don’t even remember my Twitter/Facebook/Google password, but my LastPass does!

创建帐户时,LastPass会自动提供我所有的密码,并在我需要登录时弹出。 这意味着我为每个Web服务使用不同的密码,是的,我什至不记得我的Twitter / Facebook / Google密码,但是我的LastPass确实记得!

Kaylin notes that switching to LastPass has overhauled her approach to password security:


LastPass Premium remembers passwords for me. Before that, I had one or two major passwords that I used for most sites. Then I came to realize that method is risky. My LastPass score was only 13 when I started using it, and now I have a much better score because I have changed my habits, thanks to LastPass.

LastPass Premium会为我记住密码。 在此之前,我拥有大多数网站使用的一两个主要密码。 然后我意识到这种方法是有风险的。 当我开始使用LastPass时,我的LastPass分数仅为13,而现在有了更好的分数,因为有了LastPass,我改变了自己的习惯。

For the curious, Kaylin is referring to the . LastPass users can take the challenge—which does a local and secure analysis of your passwords—to see how good your password practices are. It scans your password vault and check to see if you’re using varied passwords, multifactor authentication, and the number of passwords you have stored and then assigns a score based off that.

出于好奇,Kaylin提到了 。 LastPass用户可以应对挑战-对您的密码进行本地和安全分析-以查看您的密码做法有多好。 它会扫描您的密码保险库,并检查您是否正在使用各种密码,多因素身份验证以及已存储的密码数量,然后基于此分配分数。

LastPass offers a free service and a premium service that costs $12 per year. You can compare the free and premium services .

LastPass提供免费服务和高级服务,每年收费12美元。 您可以在比较免费服务和高级服务。


KeePass: Many of you just weren’t comfortable with the idea of syncing your password keyring to the cloud, no matter how well encrypted and tested the mechanism might be. That ruled LastPass out, but made you a prime candidate for —an open-source password manager with a huge following. KeePass offers nearly all the same basic features that you’ll get with LastPass—random password generation, category-based organization—with just a little more hassle syncing things to your browser. You guys overcame the limitations of KeePass with a variety of hacks and fixes. Dave was one of the many readers who used Dropbox to sync their KeePass database between machines:

KeePass :不管加密和测试机制有多好,许多人对将密码密钥环同步到云的想法都不满意。 那排除了LastPass,但使您成为的主要候选人 —一个开放源代码的密码管理器,拥有大量的追随者。 KeePass提供了与LastPass几乎相同的基本功能-随机密码生成,基于类别的组织-只需多一点麻烦即可将内容同步到浏览器。 你们通过各种黑客和修补程序克服了KeePass的局限性。 Dave是使用Dropbox在机器之间同步其KeePass数据库的众多读者之一:

KeePass, on Dropbox for access by my several machines. On crucial sites (banking, credit cards, &c.) I use 20+ character gobbledygook passwords generated by KeePass. On many forum-type sites I use the same old user name and password, since the worst that could happen is that someone could post something in my non-recognizable name.

KeePass,在Dropbox上,可供我的几台机器访问。 在关键站点(银行,信用卡等)上,我使用KeePass生成的20多个字符的gobbledygook密码。 在许多论坛类型的网站上,我使用相同的旧用户名和密码,因为可能发生的最糟糕的情况是,有人可能用我无法识别的名称发布内容。

Doc uses KeePass and offers a stern word about using only a handful of simple passwords:


KeePass Portable on my D: drive, with another copy (program & database) on my USB drive…password protected, of course.

KeePass Portable在我的D:驱动器上,并且在我的USB驱动器上还有另一个副本(程序和数据库)……当然,密码受保护。

To those that use “1 or 2 or 12 passwords for everything”…just wait until an account is hacked and somebody you thought you could trust is rummaging through your bank account and emails. If you’re that lax in keeping your password secure, you’re probably using your birthday, your middle name, etc. to generate all these passwords…and they’re easily cracked. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and some punctuation to generate real random passwords and store them securely! Better yet, change a few of them each week just to be safer. (Just ask Sony how much pain a hacked account can cause!)

对于那些使用“ 1或2或12个密码作为所有密码”的人……只要等到帐户被黑客入侵,而您认为可以信任的某个人正在通过您的银行帐户和电子邮件翻遍。 如果您松懈地保持密码安全,则可能是用生日,中间名等来生成所有这些密码……而且很容易被破解。 使用大写和小写字母,数字和标点符号生成真正的随机密码并安全地存储它们! 更妙的是,为了安全起见,每周都要更换其中一些。 (只要问索尼,被盗帐户会造成多大的痛苦!)

Roboform: Although not as popular as LastPass and KeePass—likely due to a very underpowered free option and a fairly high-priced commercial option— still had a strong following. It’s available as both a web-based and a desktop-based solution. Robbie offers a solid overview of the service here:

RoboForm的 :虽然没有流行的LastPass的和KeePass的,可能是由于一个非常动力不足的自由选择和相当高价位的市售选项- 仍然有坚定的追随者。 它既可以用作基于Web的解决方案,也可以用作基于桌面的解决方案。 罗比(Robbie)在这里对服务进行了全面概述:

Roboform (now known as Roboform Anywhere).

Roboform(现在称为Roboform Anywhere)。

Has the advantage of automatically (and securely) synchronizing your passwords across all your instances (unlimited).


Has a very nice configurable password generator feature for times when you want maximum security or when you don’t feel like thinking of a new password.


Also lets you attach notes to each login, allowing you to save things like answers to those annoying security questions that you’ll never remember the exact answer several years from now.


If you are using someone else’s computer or don’t want to install Roboform on a particular machine, you can look up your username & password on online.roboform.com.


Roboform comes in three versions Free, Desktop ($30), and Everywhere ($20 per year, $10 for first year). You can compare the versions .

Roboform有免费,台式机(30美元)和到处(每年20美元,第一年10美元)三种版本。 您可以在比较版本。

使用大脑和模拟解决方案 (Using Your Brain and Analog Solutions)


As handy as application-based solutions are, some people prefer to stick with memory-based solutions or analog-based solutions instead. Quite a few readers shared their tricks for using mental algorithms. Jim offered the most detailed explanation:

尽管基于应用程序的解决方案非常方便,但有些人还是更喜欢使用基于内存的解决方案或基于模拟的解决方案。 不少读者分享了使用心理算法的技巧。 吉姆提供了最详细的解释:

[I use] 3 stages: 1) a set of words – sentence, phrase, addresses etc that you can remember – needs to make a string that is at least 50 characters long 2) an algorithm that allows you to get a set of characters from that set of words – such as every ‘n’ characters 3) write down the start point in that string, and the value of ‘n’ that you will use and the number of characters…

[我使用] 3个阶段:1)一组单词-您可以记住的句子,短语,地址等-需要制作至少50个字符长的字符串2)一种算法,该算法可让您获得一组字符从该组单词中(例如每个“ n”个字符)开始3)写下该字符串的起点,您将使用的“ n”的值以及字符数…

And – for those ‘passwords’ that require numeric values the location within the string of the numeric that will be generated from the alpha code in the string – either a=1..i=9, j=10 etc.

并且-对于需要数字值的“密码”,该数字在字符串中的位置(将从字符串中的字母代码生成)-a = 1..i = 9,j = 10等。

And for those that require a non-numeric character there is the characters associated with the number on the keyboard that you get from using the number generator from the string


So – that’s 3 numbers, and optionally – another 1 or 2 numbers. You get to write down a 5 digit code that lets you re-create the passcode, but never write down the source string so no-one else can calculate it. For the number and special character – you decide if the clue number is going to be from the string start, from the startpoint (first number) , or from the end point 1st+2nd*3rd etc.

因此-这是3个数字,可选地-另外1个或2个数字。 您需要写下一个5位数字的代码,该代码可以让您重新创建密码,但是请不要写下源字符串,这样其他人都无法计算它。 对于数字和特殊字符–您可以确定线索编号是从字符串开头,从起点(第一个数字)还是从终点1st + 2nd * 3rd等开始。

Once you have the algorithm pick a character to be the Capital letter, the number and the special character. Consistency makes it easy to remember the character selection algorithm/calculation/formula and after a while you won’t even have problems remembering the source string.

一旦有了算法,就选择一个字符作为大写字母,数字和特殊字符。 一致性使您很容易记住字符选择算法/计算/公式,过一会儿,甚至在记住源字符串时都不会遇到问题。

Source – string – what names etc. do you pass on the way to work – streets, shops, business names! Avoid bringing the relations [such as a spouses name] into it.

来源–字符串–您在上班途中传递的名字等–街道,商店,企业名称! 避免将关系(例如配偶的名字)引入其中。

While his technique is thorough, it’s certainly a bit more work than just letting a password manager randomly generate and recall the password for you.



As a halfway between remembering them all and storing them digitally, several of you settled on a paper-based system. Driftwood writes:

在记住所有内容并以数字方式存储它们之间的中间途中,你们中的一些人选择了基于纸张的系统。 浮木写道:

As my spouse is not computer literate (read that geek) we keep our passwords in a binder near the computer. It’s not elegant nor geeky, but it works well for us, and if I’m not available someone else that needs in can get there.

由于我的配偶不是计算机专家(请阅读该书),因此我们将密码保存在计算机附近的活页夹中。 它既不优雅也不怪异,但是对我们来说很好用,如果我不在的话,其他需要帮助的人也可以到达那里。

Richard takes the passwords-as-recipes approach:


Since 1981, I’ve used index cards and index card file box. Low tech and always handy.

从1981年开始,我就使用索引卡和索引卡文件盒。 科技含量低,总是很方便。

Edron goes the old school route:


I have a composition notebook with all my passwords and save it in a 2 ton safe where my birth certificate and gold are stored.


Now some of you may be shaking your head at the idea of storing passwords on paper. Realistically speaking, however, the chances of somebody breaking into your house and stealing your passwords are next to zero. Even if your home is burglarized they’ll be there for the stuff they can sell easily like electronics and jewelry—and not for the long-con stuff like stealing your identity and trying to harvest money from your bank accounts. You can read more about our take on it in this previous article .

现在,您中的某些人可能对将密码存储在纸上的想法摇了摇头。 但实际上,有人闯入您的房屋并窃取密码的机会几乎为零。 即使您的房屋被盗,他们也会在那里买到像电子产品和珠宝那样可以轻松出售的东西,而不是像窃取您的身份并试图从您的银行账户中收钱之类的长期骗局。 您可以在上一篇文章阅读有关我们的更多信息。

For more information on how your fellow readers store their passwords, make sure to hit up the lengthy comments thread on the original article here. Have a tip or trick to share? Sound off in the comments here.

有关其他读者如何存储密码的更多信息,请确保在此处单击原始文章上冗长的注释主题。 有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 在这里发表评论。




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